
Squad Update

We spoke to David Fish this week who provided us with an update on the squad ahead of pre-season:

“This is always a busy time of the year in non-league football as players move clubs. This year we needed to refresh the squad, but the plan was that only three players would be released. Terms were offered to all the remaining players, however other teams are also able to offer terms and some players have decided to move on – that’s part of life at all levels of football. I’d have liked Jack Banister, Jack Grundy, Ben Darby and Darren Holden to be with us next season, but I wish them well as they start the next part of their careers.

“I’ve spoken to a number of players and have agreed terms, but nothing is final until the paperwork is done and therefore we won’t make announcements until that point; two players I’d agreed terms with (one who was with us last season and one potential recruit) have since signed with other teams.

“We have more than 20 players coming to pre-season; about half of whom are retained and half who are new to the club. Within that we have some exciting young players as well as some established players and I’m confident fans will be as excited about the additions as I am.

“I’m expecting a couple of players to put pen to paper in the next couple of weeks, but most will be signing once the the registration forms are available in July and we’ll provide more updates then.”